Malabar Red Brahmans are presenting 5 brahman bulls for sale at Rockhampton Brahman Week Sales 2023 at Gracemere Saleyards commencing on 2nd October 2023. Our bulls are catalogued from Lot 696. Click on the bull to see his stats and results.
Malabar Red Brahmans are presenting 5 brahman bulls for sale at Rockhampton Brahman Week Sales 2022 at Gracemere Saleyards commencing on 3rd October 2021. Our bulls are catalogued from Lot 538. Click on the bull to see his stats and results.
Malabar Red Brahmans are presenting 5 brahman bulls for sale at Rockhampton Brahman Week Sales 2021 at Gracemere Saleyards commencing on 4th October 2021. Our bulls are catalogued from Lot 708. Click on the bull to see his stats and results.
We have 3 bulls catalogued currently in the 2020 RBWS – their details are below:
Malabar OS EzraWeight: 1150kgScrotal: 45cmsTeeth: 4P8/Rib: 14 & 10EMA: 153 sq cmsIMF%: 4.2%Morphology: 80% Normal
Malabar MG CodyWeight: 940kgsScrotal: 38cmsTeeth: 2P8/Rib: 14 & 10EMA: 140 sq cmsIMF%: 6.7%Morphology 87% Normal
Malabar Power ZaneWeight: 900kgScrotal: 36cmsTeeth: 2P8/Rib: 13 & 11EMA: 144 sq cmsIMF%: 5.3%Morphology: 95% Normal
Malabar Marcus 2134 Rockhampton Brahman Week Bull Sales 2023 ID 1MA2134M Weight Scrotal 36cm Teeth 0 Age 25 months P8/Rib EMA IMF%
Malabar Mason 2135 Rockhampton Brahman Week Bull Sales 2023 ID 1MA2135M Weight Scrotal 36 Teeth 2 Age 25 months P8/Rib EMA IMF%
Malabar Poll Marvel 2007 Rockhampton Brahman Week Bull Sales 2023 ID 1MA2007M Weight Scrotal 43cms Teeth 2 Age 33 months P8/Rib EMA
We always have a numbers of bulls and heifers available for sale at Marburg. More details to come shortly on our current animals available for private treaty.
Our goal is to provide value to both commercial and stud producers, with a product that looks good, acts well, has calves and produces beef in the paddock.
Ultimately, you are making an investment in seedstock that will impact your ongoing profitability and we welcome any and all feedback to ensure that we provide the types of animals you are seeking.
Our bloodlines trace back to some of the early adopters of the Brahman breed in Queensland, which have some of the greats in their bloodlines. We, at Malabar, believe that great bulls can only be breed with strong cow families. We have been particular in developing our cow families, based around fertility and consistency.
Over the coming months we look forward to sharing with you some of our current matrons and donors and also some of our up and coming “Next Generation” females on our Genetics page.
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