2021 – Where has it gone?
After Brahman Week 2020, we came home and reflected on the bulls gone and those entering the sale programs, with a pretty good start to the season.
It also led us to continue with our IVF programs with a number of our proven cow lines, utilising some well-known domestic and international brahman bulls including X-Ray 825, Tartrus Redmount, Nioka Pablo, V8 279/7 and V8 733/7 Polled Phenom.
We also used the following brahman bulls in our AI programs Banana Station Manly 69, Tarramba Eastern Eagle 3700, Tarramba A Western Eagle 3207 and Malabar Calibre Power during the course of the rest of the breeding season.
The end of the year came and went quickly, with all eyes then leading the Beef 2021. But first – a restful Christmas and New Year period with the boys and family, albeit restricted to Queensland.
2021 – and the countdown was on, with breakers on the rails at our fitters.
Our new bull and sale pens and general working yards were cleared and new and improved versions took their place – why did it take 15 years? 🙂
The show season commenced in late January for a first outing for the potential Beef team, and all went better than expected.

Before you know it, Beef was here and the boys and girls where on the way to Rocky with the team from TLC Fitting Services looking after them. We were very happy with the way they all settled and presented during the week.
I can’t thank Troy, Tracey and their team enough for looking after them for us before, during and after the week. This certainly allowed Ali and I to get around some of the trade exhibits and technology-based presentations to consider different options to what we do day to day.
Once Beef was over – Brahman Week bulls are finalised. It has really been a weird winter, with quite a bit of soft moisture around, making yards somewhat muddy continually.
September is here and we have IVF babies on the ground to the brahman bulls above – pretty happy with the results and there will definitely be some future sale brahman bulls in that bunch. We will post some pictures in the coming months..
Brahman Week is around the corner – plenty to get done in that time and preparing some recips for the program in the weeks after Brahman week is high on the agenda.
Brahman Week Sales – 5 Malabar Red Brahman Bulls for sale
Malabar Red Brahmans are presenting 5 bulls for sale at Rockhampton Brahman Week Sales 2021 at Gracemere Saleyards commencing on 4th October 2021. Our bulls are catalogued from Lot 708.
Please follow this link to our sales page to see the full details of our bulls on offer.
Look forward to seeing you there :).